vulnerability scans

Cyber Handyman Skill #5: Tools to Run Basic Vulnerability Scans

Throughout our blog series, 5 DIY Cyber Security Skills Every IT Professional Needs to Master, we have looked at skills and tools that are useful for cyber handy men and women. Much like being able to use a hammer, screwdriver, drill, or saw, having the ability to use virtualization, nmap, understand code, and the command line enables many other DIY tasks…. Read More

report insider threats

Afraid to Report Insider Threats? Here’s How to Avoid the Fear Factor

Imagine the following scenario: you work with a colleague who everyone sees as a problem. This individual complains about the direction of the company, unfair treatment, and even vocalizes personal financial struggles. People have come to expect this kind of negative behavior from him. One day, though, you overhear this disruptive co-worker say something out… Read More

command line

Cyber Handyman Skill #4: Get to Know and Love the Command Line to Simplify Your IT Tasks

In our previous blog in the series, “5 DIY Cyber Security Skills Every IT Professional Needs to Master,” I discussed the basics of coding and programming that every cyber handyman needs to know. Today, I’ll cover the command line, a cyber handyman’s best friend. I first thought about going the “Top X Most Useful Commands” route for this blog… Read More

wannacry ransomware survival guide

WannaCry Ransomware Survival Guide: 6 Ways to Stay Safe

Making Sense of the WannaCry Attack Over the past few days, news agencies around the world started reporting on WannaCry ransomware (WCR), aka WanaCrypt0r 2.0.  It’s estimated that WCR has already affected more than 75,000 users in 150 countries, ranging from hospitals, businesses, governments, railways, and universities to home computer users. As of today, more than 200,000 systems are… Read More

youth code jam 2017

Cyber Handyman Skill #3: Translating Coding and Programming Structures

In our previous blog in the series, “5 DIY Cyber Security Skills Every IT Professional Needs to Master,” I discussed the importance of nmap as a critical command line tool that improves network visibility and overall security. Today, I’ll cover some concepts related to translating coding and programming structures. Being a resident cyber handyman isn’t easy. Not… Read More

Cyber Handyman Skill #2: How to Scan Your Network with Nmap

Two weeks ago, we introduced our “5 DIY Cyber Security Skills Every IT Professional Needs to Master” blog series. I discussed the first skill on the list, using virtual machines (VMs), and why they’re practically indispensable for simplifying day-to-day security tasks. Today, I’ll explain the importance of the network mapper, also known as nmap — a critical… Read More