In our last blog, we talked about how to encourage cyber security awareness and the importance of having a cyber security training and awareness program for your employees. In this blog, we’ll discuss eight specific ways you can encourage cyber security awareness. Cyber Security for Employees Keeping systems up to date is a given for… Read More
Category: Cyber Security Awareness
Employee Training and Awareness: A Key Component of Your Cyber Security Program
It’s often said that employee training and awareness are a key component to any successful cyber security program. In today’s blog, we’ll explore why this holds true, and how to improve your programs. For the most part, employees know where data is, how it’s used, and how to access it. With rare exceptions, they’ve also… Read More
You Got the CISO Job, Now What? 3 Tips to Start on Solid Ground
As a new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) on the job, there is a sense of immediate urgency to show value and make an impact. Maybe you’re joining an organization that had some major problems before you arrived – a public incident, a challenging personnel situation, an unsatisfactory audit, etc. All eyes are on you,… Read More
How to Build a Better Cyber Security Program for Your University
Colleges and universities face some unique challenges when it comes to building a cyber security program. From an ideological standpoint, university campuses are founded on the concept of the free and open exchange of ideas and information. However, universities today must balance this with the day-to-day reality of securing a vast range of critical data… Read More
2019 University Cyber Attacks: How Can You Protect Your Organization?
In 2019 university cyber attacks have been making headlines. Many colleges and universities, mainly those in the U.S. and other NATO countries, have become targets for cyber criminals and nation-state actors. In the ever-evolving cyber ecosystem, security professionals and their adversaries engage in continuous virtual combat. Cyber criminals have historically been more focused on targeting… Read More
Nevada Leads by Example in State and Local Government Cyber Security Practices
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) partnered with the University of Maryland a few years ago on a nationwide survey of local government cyber security practices, including incident response (IR) plans. Among the many interesting data points in the published report was the finding that only 33.7 percent of respondents had a “formal, written plan for recovery from breaches.” Of… Read More