cyber security skills shortage

How to Close the Cyber Security Skills Shortage by Maximizing Existing Resources

We frequently hear about the cyber security talent shortage and technical skills gap. According to the ISACA “State of Cybersecurity 2018: Part 1: Workforce Development” study, lack of technical skills ranked as one of the top two challenges for security professionals and managers. Often, though, it’s easy to overlook or underestimate non-technical challenges. This can include… Read More

cyber security skills shortage

How to Address the Cyber Security Hiring Gap: Tips from an HR Executive

Cyber Security Talent Shortage: How We Got Here While the cyber security industry is growing significantly faster than other markets, the challenge to fill more than 500,000 open computing cyber security positions is a serious issue spanning business as well as federal, state, and local government. Many colleges and universities saw the worker shortage coming years ago, and in… Read More